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According to a recent news report, tenants for the first of 50,000 flats being built in Tung Chung can expect to move in by the first quarter of 2024. That news was passed along by Secretary for Development Michael Wong Wai-lun in his blog recently in a review of the Tung Chung New Town extension project.
     "The entire Tung Chung New Town extension provides over 50,000 residential flats, including 32,000 public housing units as well as over 800,000 sqm of gross floor area for office use," Michael Fong Hok-shing, head of the Sustainable Lantau Office said. That would mean a new population of over 140,000, Fong added.   
     Also in the news, Henderson Land Development, the city's third-largest property company, will loan 430,000 sq ft of farmland to the government for seven years for the development of 2,000 transitional housing units, according to a source familiar with the matter. The goal for the social housing project on the 428,000 sq ft parcel in Kam Tin's Kong Ha Wai, which it calls “the biggest [such project] in Hong Kong ever”, is to house almost 10,000 families, for a total of some 40,000 people, according to Henderson, the biggest hoarder of farmland.
     “The company is the first to support social housing, having provided 200 units in the urban area so far and lent a construction project in Nam Cheong Street last year to build Hong Kong’s first modular housing project,” said Martin Lee Ka-shing, co-chairman and managing director of Henderson Land Development.


 Tung Chung New Town expansion plan (Source: HKSARG)

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) held the second “Construction Industry Machinery Operation Competition” award ceremony to raise the industry’s safety awareness and professional skills in machinery operation on 12 January 2020. The competition attracted 31 company teams to sign up and was closed on 4 January 2020 at the Hong Kong Construction Institute-Tai Po Training Ground.

The awards were presented to the winning teams by Mr. Hu Weixiong as Acting Deputy Director of Labour Department (Occupational Safety and Health), and Mr. Chen Jiaju Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, and Dr. Wong Jun Wah, Dean of the Hong Kong Institute of Construction, as engineers and industry representatives.

The competition was divided into six categories, which were gantry crane operation competition, small loader operation competition, truck crane operation competition, tower crane operation competition, crawler crane operation competition and tire crane operation competition, and through various types of mechanical operation competitions. The cross-sections had allowed practitioners to learn skills from each other.

This competition was judged by industry professionals from the Development Bureau, Labour Department, Hong Kong Housing Authority, Occupational Safety and Health Council, Hong Kong Construction Association, Hong Kong Construction Industry Federation, Hong Kong Professional Lifting Federation, Hong Kong Tower Crane Federation and Hong Kong Build a college.

“The council has vigorously promoted the Assembly and Synthesis building method (MiC) in recent years. The use of MiC requires a large amount of accurate lifting work, which requires a team of experienced professional machine operation technicians and machine maintenance personnel. The council hopes that biennial machinery operation competition will help raise both construction industry practitioners’ professional level and safety awareness and the public’s awareness and interest in construction machinery,” Mr Chen Jiaju speaking at the award ceremony.

According to Mr Chen, the council has also been committed to promoting professional training and development. The Hong Kong Institute of Construction will provide a certificate course for the assembly of assembled composite components to train workers and site management staff in a more systematic, professional and close to technology development. — Construction+ Online